Tokyo Art Co., Ltd., Tokyo (Kanto) Factory
Industrial domain:Paper Proc. Plate Making & Printing Materials
Needs:Processing Design & Manufacturing Sale
3rd Advertising < Packages are the third advertising media >
How much color can we add in the little drama of "Articles Are Wrapped And Carried"?
The boundaries implied by calling us the package maker no longer apply. We are constantly seeking new challenges.
TEL +81-47-408-2155

Logistics Center Business Division, Sumisho Global Logistics Co., Ltd.
Industrial domain:Transp., Logistics & Warehousing
We provide information capacity, trust and global networks unique to companies specialized both in trading and logistics.
We provide comprehensive and strong support to the supply chains of our customers using high added-value logistics centers thanks to our planning capacity as a global company specialized in trading and logistics and our result-based management ability.
We also manage several large e-commerce centers in Japan, such as our center in Akanehama, to provide our customers with e-commerce logistics solutions.
TEL +81-47-455-1100

Komatsu Customer Support Japan Ltd., Narashino Branch
Industrial domain:Installation & Construction
New launch of our battery type forklift FE25/30
Equipped with an easy-to-maintain battery requiring no water replenishment.
Securing a long-time operation by rapid charging.
Ensuring a full operation under severe outside conditions (rain, dust, etc.).
Originally equipped with Komatsu exclusive ICT technology KOMTRAX.
TEL +81-47-451-2831

Alpha Techno Co., Ltd.
Industrial domain:ICT Software
Needs:Design & Manufacturing Sale
Computer repair services certified by several manufacturers (One-Stop Repair Services)
Alpha Techno provides computer setup and repair services for companies using its experience of working on more than 3 million computers. Its goal is to develop together with the local community.
TEL +81-47-408-3888

Antarc Co., Ltd.
Industrial domain:Chemistry & Environment Energy Food & Bio-products Health
Needs:Design & Manufacturing Sale
We have 58 years of experience in producing and selling "tobacco products."
TEL +81-47-451-4114

Ashizawa Finetech Ltd.
Industrial domain:Cutting & Grinding Machinery & Elec. Equip. Design & Assembly
Needs:Research & Study Processing Design & Manufacturing Sale
Our slogan is “Expand the possibilities with our Fine Particle Technology”
This slogan is the main principle of our company since its establishment and, at the same time, a promise made to our customers. During more than 100 years, we have been constantly dealing with challenges to achieve technological innovations following the development of society. As a venture company that pioneered new businesses in the Nano Process Technology sector, our company dedicates itself to realizing the vision of our customers that seek to utilize or produce high-value added materials and products. We will continue to provide the best manufacturing service possible based on our Fine Particle Technology.
TEL +81-47-453-8111

Baikowski Japan Co., Ltd.
Industrial domain:Cutting & Grinding Dies & Jigs Materials
Needs:Design & Manufacturing Sale
Baikowski supports cutting-edge technologies with its ultrafine particle technology.
We provide high-purity alumina and other ultrafine particles as raw material or abrasive to the electronic, lighting and advanced ceramics industries to support cutting-edge technologies. We develop specialty products, such as simple materials, composite materials and slurry, and constantly improve the quality of our products to match the applications and technologies of our customers.
TEL +81-47-473-8150

Central Radiator K.K.
Industrial domain:Machinery & Elec. Equip. Design & Assembly
We handle engine radiators of any size, from small to large.
We provide engine radiators for a wide range of applications, including small cars, passenger cars, 2-ton and 4-ton trucks, heavy trucks, forklifts and construction machinery. We are a designated contractor for major manufacturing companies.
TEL +81-47-454-5151

Chiba Hino Motors, Ltd., Narashino Branch
Industrial domain:Academic & Research Inst. Other
We provide all types of services for trucks.
We sell all sizes of trucks, from light to heavy trucks. In addtion, we provide genuine parts for repair. We offer high-quality and environment-friendly repair services for trucks and buses.
TEL +81-47-452-7221

Chiba Subaru Inc., Narashino Branch
Industrial domain:Academic & Research Inst. Other
We help you enjoy your safe and secure Car Life.
We provide comprehensive car services, from sale of new cars such as LEGACY to car inspection, sheet metal repair and insurance agent. Equipped with car maintenance facilities (recognized by the MLIT), its own factory for sheet metal work and a new car showroom, Narashino Branch responds quickly to everything about cars and provides a reliable Car Life.
TEL +81-47-473-2171