Ajinomoto Logistics Corporation, Narashino Logistics Center
Industrial domain:Food & Bio-products Health Transp., Logistics & Warehousing
Needs:Transportation & Storage
Towards valuable logistics services that deliver trust and satisfaction to our customers.
As a comprehensive logistics company, we have built a nation-wide network and branches and have completed all logistic functions to respond to customers needs using not only our domestic total logistics, but also our capacity to provide three temperature zones logistics services and operate 24 hours a day every day, our international total logistics, our refined production logistics, and our centralized cargo and vehicle request system.
TEL +81-47-453-1250

Art Corporation, Narashino Branch
Industrial domain:Transp., Logistics & Warehousing
Needs:Transportation & Storage
We support the "daily life of people" with our moving services.
We were founded as the first company dedicated to moving business, and have developed moving work as a "service business" rather than just as a "transportation business." Now we continue to develop into a company that supports daily life based on our moving services.
TEL +81-47-453-0123

Hanazawaunsou Co., Ltd.
Industrial domain:Transp., Logistics & Warehousing
Needs:Transportation & Storage
We handle a wide range of cargo items.
Feel free to contact us for any kind of inquiries regarding logistics! We transport your precious cargo following the Safety First philosophy.
TEL +81-47-489-1402

Hanwa Logistics Tokyo Co., Ltd.
Industrial domain:Transp., Logistics & Warehousing
Needs:Transportation & Storage
We optimize logistics coordination to become a logistics company of the 21st century.
We own one of the largest steel yards in Japan and a berth where ships of up to 50,000 tons can stop.
We have the warehousing, processing and logistics capabilities required to respond to the various needs of customers.
We will construct a new logistics system supporting e-commerce in order to increase the revenues of our customers.
TEL +81-47-454-8001

Heart Hikkoshi Center Co., Ltd., Chiba Center
Industrial domain:Transp., Logistics & Warehousing
Needs:Transportation & Storage
We guarantee affordable and stress-free moving with satisfying plan and costs.
Thanks to your lasting support, we have been providing moving services for 25 years and have opened 30 directly-managed centers all over Japan. We strive to provide “Heartful” moving services by transporting important moving packages according to customers' environment. Upon request, we also provide service to buy furniture and electronic appliances (except in some areas), as well as books, CD, games and other items at time of moving.

Masuda Transportation Co., Ltd.
Industrial domain:Transp., Logistics & Warehousing
Needs:Transportation & Storage
We have been engaged in the food transportation business for 55 years (frozen, chilled, dry)
We contribute to a culturally rich society by understanding the needs of our customers and providing technical and service information. We deliver food products 24 hours a day throughout the year. We provide comprehensive distribution services, from storage and sorting to transportation. We aim at increasing the quality of our services and at becoming the best transportation company in the prefecture with initiatives such as using 2-compartment trucks and operating our distribution center with three temperature zones.
TEL +81-47-451-6688

Mercedes-Benz Japan Co, Ltd., Narashino Office
Industrial domain:Transp., Logistics & Warehousing Academic & Research Inst. Other
Needs:Transportation & Storage
TEL +81-47-427-2067

Miyokawa Unso, K.K.
Industrial domain:Transp., Logistics & Warehousing
Needs:Transportation & Storage
Transportation of food products in all the Kanto area 24 hours a day every day of the year.
We make about 600 deliveries on the same day in the Kanto area.
TEL +81-47-453-9011

Nakano Shokai Co., Ltd., Narashino Branch,
Industrial domain:Transp., Logistics & Warehousing
Needs:Transportation & Storage
We are a general transportation company that builds good partnerships with its customers.
We provide a comprehensive, smooth and efficient transportation system by offering distribution processing services and using 130 warehouses nationwide that allows us to reduce the distances between production and consumption areas. We also organically combine long-distance ocean transportation with inland transportation to reduce costs. In addition, we make proposals and provide matching services for more efficient use of real estate based on a property management system and using our warehousing and distribution centers.
TEL +81-47-453-2235

Nippon Express Co., Ltd., Kanto Heavy Haulage and Construction Branch
Industrial domain:Transp., Logistics & Warehousing
Needs:Transportation & Storage
We are a heavy equipment construction company that transports, constructs and installs heavy goods.
We do everything necessary to transport our super heavy goods to destination, including building new roads and bridges. To be able to achieve such work, Nippon Express has gathered lots of expert employees, special vehicles and special materials. In addition, we transport heavy cargo and build facilities not only in Japan, but also throughout the world.
TEL +81-47-453-2811