Sakaki Sangyo K.K.
Industrial domain:Dies & Jigs
Needs:Processing Design & Manufacturing
We produce a wide range of products, from small to large parts, and accept orders starting from a single unit.
TEL +81-47-479-1525

Tanaka PVC
Industrial domain:Resins & Plastics Surface & Heat treatment
TEL +81-47-452-0867

Touken K.K.
Industrial domain:Installation & Construction
Needs:Processing Design & Manufacturing
We respond to the demands of our customer as a “partner for reliable home construction”.
We are making daily efforts to make it possible for more customers to enjoy our homes designed to be comfortable, relaxing and satisfying, and to widen our circle of trust.
TEL +81-47-475-1331

Miyokawa Sealing Insatsu
Industrial domain:Paper Proc. Plate Making & Printing
TEL +81-47-451-7272

Okado Kinzoku Seisakusho, Y.K.
Industrial domain:Cutting & Grinding
Needs:Processing Design & Manufacturing Transportation & Storage
TEL +81-47-453-0141

Nakamura Kosho, Y.K.
Industrial domain:Academic & Research Inst. Other
TEL +81-47-452-3501

Industrial domain:Resins & Plastics Dies & Jigs
Needs:Processing Design & Manufacturing
Design, manufacturing and sale of molds
TEL +81-43-258-8813